near Pittsburgh [08jun2021]
- Selling to raise money for Children's Hospitals. Sheffield Handcar replica with a trailer that it can be unload the handcar for events or to use carrying your jet ski. It is in handcar racing shape or just for a tour around the rails. Gears, bearing, 20" Fairmont wheels are in excellent shape. This Handcar was used in the For the Children events, from racing, parades, to attending and supporting other Railroad fundraisers.
It is now in Pittsburgh, and I will work out details with the buyer for delivery if needed.
The price for the Handcar and Trailer is $12,500.00
E~Mail: Gary Mang or call 847 265 9733
near Denver, Colorado [11nov2017]
- Fairmont bearings and housings. First set is p/n 43914 including axle collars. The salvaged/parts set are p/n m10502. Both are for 1 7/16 inch axles. These could be from an M14, S2 or pushcart. Might be useful for a pumpcar/handcar
Asking $75 for both sets USPS flat rate shipping extra.
E~Mail: Alfred
Sacramento, CA [04jun2017]
- M19 Fairmont Motorcar, Used on the Southern Pacific's Placerville branch. Great project car. $1,500. If you need a trailer, could be available.
Sacramento, CA [19apr15]
- PICTURES of 2 items for sale: M19 enclosed Fairmont motorcar, Turntable, Heater and in great shape.. $4,500.00. [24may2017]
- A4 Fairmont motorcar, great project car. 4 cylinder engine. $1500 as is [24may2017]
- Velocipede (original) $2,600 (SOLD 2016)
- Tamron Tamper TM2 Motorcar, Heater $3750.00 (SOLD 2015)
All in Sacramento, CA - the guy worked for Union Pacific Railroad [19apr15]
E~Mail: Gary Putnam, Owner or Call 916 Area Code 496 dash 5032
[March 5, 2017] Sheffield Velocipede for sale Greenbay, WI
Cory Daul
Green Bay WI
920-639-3441 or 920-609-5474
SOLD!!!! PICTURES: MT-14 Motorcar Sacramento, CA - the guy worked for Union Pacific Railroad [24apr08]
SOLD!!! -- MT-14 Motorcar Sacramento, CA - the guy worked for Union Pacific Railroad [11aug07]
APR 05 - SOLD!!! MT-14 Motorcar in San Jose, CA
Items for sale or wanted - please e-mail me and I'll post it